Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

EU Negotiators Continue to Discuss Brexit as Deadline Looms

EU Negotiators Continue to Discuss Brexit as Deadline Looms

LANDON - Work continues toward reaching a Brexit deal.
Negotiators are meeting again Monday in an attempt to reach an agreement that would allow Britain to leave the European Union with a deal at the end of the month.
Ireland says a Brexit deal may be possible in the coming days, after technical teams from Britain and the EU worked through the weekend.
Discussions centered on the difficult issue of the future border arrangements between EU member Ireland and Northern Ireland, which is part of the U.K.
Arriving for a meeting in Luxembourg, Irish Foreign Minister Simon Coveney said "the less we say now, the better."
Despite his reticence, Coveney said "a deal is possible, and it is possible this month. May be possible this week. But we are not there yet."
Coveney insisted it was essential to give the negotiators time to iron out the remaining difficulties.
"There is still a lot of work to do," he said.
Queen Elizabeth is set to deliver a speech outlining the program for government of Prime Minister Boris Johnson.
EU leaders, including Johnson, are meeting on Thursday and Friday to see whether a deal is possible ahead of the Brexit deadline of Oct. 31. (Fox Business)