Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Ban Welcomes Arab League “Courageous” Stance on Syria

Ban Welcomes Arab League “Courageous” Stance on Syria

UNITED NATIONS - Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon late Saturday welcomed the resolution adopted earlier in the day by the Council of Ministers of the League of Arab States which took the "strong and courageous" decision to suspend Syria from participating in its meetings and activities starting next Wednesday, unless Damascus stops the killings immediately.

The Secretary-General urges the Syrian authorities to "heed the call from the League to stop violence by the Army against civilians immediately, and to implement the work plan agreed on November 2nd fully and speedily," his press office said in a statement.

He also welcomed the League's intention to provide protection for civilians, and expressed his readiness to provide the relevant support when requested. He was also encouraged by the League's efforts to promote a genuine and inclusive political dialogue, starting with the League's call for a meeting of the Syrian opposition in the coming days.

Ban reiterated his view that all violence "must stop immediately" to open the way for a credible Syrian-led process of comprehensive political change, that will address the democratic aspirations of the Syrian people. (KUNA)