Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Johnson Rejects Corbyn Claims Over Post-Brexit Trade

Johnson Rejects Corbyn Claims Over  Post-Brexit Trade

LONDON - British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has rejected a claim by Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn that leaked Treasury documents showed there would be customs checks and restrictions on trade between Britain and Northern Ireland as a result of his Brexit deal.
Mr Johnson and the Labour party leader clashed on Brexit and other issues in their final televised debate of the UK general election campaign.
Mr Johnson insisted that leaving the EU with his Brexit deal next month would allow the UK to improve trade and control immigration.
"I do find it slightly curious to say the least to be lectured about the union between Great Britain and Northern Ireland by a man who all his political life has campaigned to break up that union and actually supported the IRA for four decades their in their campaign violently to destroy it," he said.
Mr Corbyn said Mr Johnson should show a "degree of honesty" about the implications of the arrangements he had agreed for Northern Ireland.
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He said: "He spoke at the DUP conference and said there would be no restrictions whatsoever. We now know there are restrictions. He could and should have said that at the time."
A snap YouGov poll of 1,322 viewers following last night's the debate narrowly gave victory to Mr Johnson by 52% to 48%, although Mr Corbyn was judged the more trustworthy by a margin of 48% to 38%.
The parties return to the campaign trail today with Labour promising every bus in England will be electric-powered by 2030, reducing emissions by more than 70%.
The Tories are pledging extra cash for grassroots football to bolster the UK and Ireland's bid for 2030 World Cup, with an an extra £550 million over ten years for community sports facilities.
And the Liberal Democrats are promising to bring in "safe standing" areas at top flight football matches, saying it would offer fans more choice, a better atmosphere, and cheaper tickets. (RTE)