Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

US Considers Kazakhstan Reliable Partner in Central Asia

US Considers Kazakhstan Reliable  Partner in Central Asia

NUR-SULTAN - Kazakhstan is a leader in Central Asia, and the US considers the country to be a reliable partner in the region, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said, Trend reports with reference to Kazakhstan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Pompeo made the statement during the negotiations with Kazakhstan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Mukhtar Tileuberdi during his official visit to Washington DC.
The program of Tileuberdi’s visit started with a bilateral meeting with Pompeo.
“We attach great importance to further expansion of cooperation with US, which is developing in the spirit of trust and mutual understanding. This is why Kazakhstan and US have reached the level of expanded strategic partnership,” Tileuberdi said.
As noted by Muller, the Board of Directors of World Bank has supported the country strategy of partnership between World Bank and Kazakhstan for 2020-2025. Parties also discussed the joint project in area of agriculture development for 2020-2024. (Trend)