Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Kazakh Air Astana Accepts Free Tickets Return to China

Kazakh Air Astana Accepts Free Tickets Return to China

NUR SULTAN - Kazakhstan’s Air Astana airline company offers free rebooking or returning tickets to China, Trend reports with reference to the company.
Air Astana encourages its passengers to take precautions when travelling to countries where coronavirus infection has been detected, i.e. avoid crowded places, wear masks and treat hands with an antiseptic, as well as avoid close contact with those who cough or sneeze.
“The company is taking all necessary measures to prevent the infection from spreading. Passengers who wish to cancel their trip to China may return or rebook their ticket at the place of purchase without paying fines,” the report said.
Earlier, on Jan. 26, the company announced cancellation of all visits of tourist groups from China’s Urumqi and Beijing cities.
An outbreak of previously unknown pneumonia later identified as a new type of coronavirus and denoted as 2019-nCoV was registered in China's Wuhan in late Dec.2019.
As of Jan.27, 2020, the number of those infected amounted to 2,744 people, whereas the number of deceased amounted to 80 people. (Trend)