Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Democrats Make Final Pitch in Iowa Hours Before First US Vote

Democrats Make Final Pitch in Iowa  Hours Before First US Vote

WASHINGTON - Democratic candidates made their frantic, final campaign pitches Sunday in Iowa, on a mission to persuade undecided voters one day before the state's nominating contest officially starts the US presidential election season.
Iowa, a largely rural state of three million people, has traditionally served as a vital launching point -- or burial ground -- for presidential hopefuls.
Even as all eyes turn to the debut vote, Donald Trump's US Senate impeachment trial weighs over the Democratic kick-off, with the president expected to be acquitted just days after the Iowa contest.
"This is the most consequential election, certainly in the modern history of this country... and it all begins tomorrow night," Senator Bernie Sanders, the leading progressive in the race, told invigorated supporters at a meet-and-greet event in Iowa City.
"I promise you: if you stand with me, we will end Trump's reign of hatred and division."
Three of the leading candidates seized on a brief break from their duties as impeachment jurors to barnstorm Iowa.
The senators -- self-styled democratic socialist Sanders, progressive Warren and pragmatist Amy Klobuchar -- each hosted multiple events Sunday.
At an Iowa City home that Warren supporters were using as a base, people streamed in and out, looking for extra posters or lists of doors that still needed to be knocked on.
Ayana Elizabeth Johnson, a marine biologist, traveled from far-off New York to help Warren.
"Having a good showing in Iowa is so important to build momentum," Johnson said. (AFP)