Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Libyans Disappointed Nine Years After Their Revolution

Libyans Disappointed Nine Years After  Their Revolution

TRIPOLI - Nine years after the revolution, Libya is suffering from a political, economic and security crisis and its people say their struggle has fallen prey to foreign agendas and internal divisions.
In February 2011, the Libyan revolution started in Benghazi. Libyans had lived for 42 years under the oppression of Libya's ruler Muammar Gaddafi.
Their uprising gave Libyans a sense of hope for a better future. But nine years since the end of Gaddafi's rule, the country is in chaos.
Citizens recall vividly the first hours of February 17, and the months after, but say the revolution was stolen from them.
"Yes, it was stolen by foreign powers. Because if this country manages to rise, it will have no parallel because its history is renowned with its educated people," said Hamid al-Tabouli, a resident of Benghazi.
Al-Tabouli appealed to Libyans and the international community to stand with the Libya National Army (LNA), the armed forces of the eastern administration of Libya, saying it is "the safety valve" of the country.
"We had welcomed the February 17th revolution and had wished for it after 42 years of torture and oppression ... But it was stolen afterwards," said Sanusi al-Maqsabi, a Benghazi resident. (Aljazeera)