Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Passengers Leave Japan Virus Ship, But New Infections Detected

Passengers Leave Japan Virus Ship,  But New Infections Detected

TOKYO - Hundreds of relieved passengers disembarked Wednesday from a coronavirus-stricken cruise ship in Japan after being given the all-clear, but health officials said 79 new cases had been detected.
With 621 positive cases the Diamond Princess is easily the biggest cluster of infected people outside China, and Japan has faced mounting criticism for its quarantine arrangements as passengers disperse across the world.
The disease has now claimed more than 2,000 lives in China and spread panic worldwide.
Those newly diagnosed with the virus will be taken off the ship to hospital, and after being treated will have to undergo another quarantine.
Earlier, those who had tested negative for the virus began leaving the ship.
"I'm relieved... I want to take a good rest," said a departing 77-year-old Japanese passenger, who declined to give his name. He said he would be boarding Japan's famously crowded railway system to head home.
A fleet of yellow-dotted city buses, plus a dozen or so taxis, whisked away the passengers, many of whom dragged their luggage behind them and waved to former ship-mates on balconies as they disembarked.
Latest figures from China showed the death toll surging beyond 2,000 with more than 74,000 infected, although the rate of new cases is slowing.
Hundreds more cases have been reported in two dozen countries, including 20 in South Korea -- a two-thirds rise -- with a cluster of at least 16 around the southern city of Daegu.
Hong Kong also reported its second death from the virus, which has proved extremely infectious.
For the 500 passengers leaving the Diamond Princess after testing negative, a difficult 14-day quarantine period has come to an end after their dream cruise turned into a nightmare of fear and boredom, confined in many cases to small windowless cabins.
"Our last deep gratitude to the crews and captain for such an amazing care... during the epic crisis... we can't wait to see you again soon on board again," tweeted passenger Yardley Wong, who left after 14 days cooped in a small cabin with her six-year-old son.
American Christina Kirby, fretted about the stigma some Westerdam passengers could face once they return home.
"I want people to remember that... there's a human behind each of these stories and those who are ill deserve compassion," she told AFP.
Several countries appear to have lost patience with the quarantine on board the Diamond Princess and chartered planes to repatriate citizens.
In the first such evacuation Monday, more than 300 Americans flew home -- even though 14 had tested positive.
Britain, Hong Kong and Australia are among other countries that have vowed to repatriate people from the ship but will insist on a further 14-day quarantine on home soil.
Nathalie MacDermott, a medical expert at King's College London, recommended a further 14-day self-quarantine for those leaving.
"Given the circumstances on board the Diamond Princess, those passengers leaving the boat should be managed in a similar manner to those individuals departing a highly affected city or region," said MacDermott.
Disembarkation is expected to take around three days as more test results become available. The crew will begin a new quarantine when the last passenger has left.
People in Yokohama appeared supportive of the decision to allow the passengers out despite the virus fears.
"I am sure those people on board must be really worried. I hope they can go back to their normal life soon," said 51-year-old Isamu Habiro. (AFP)