Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

New Slovak Government Sworn in Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

New Slovak Government Sworn in Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

BRATISLAVA - A four-party coalition government has taken office in Slovakia, with the coronavirus outbreak an immediate policy challenge.
Slovak President Zuzana Caputova on Saturday appointed a centre-right coalition government headed by Igor Matovic, leader of the Ordinary People and Independent Personalities (OLANO) party, after a February election which swept anti-corruption parties to power.
A four-party coalition government has taken office in Slovakia, with the coronavirus outbreak an immediate policy challenge.
Slovak President Zuzana Caputova on Saturday appointed a centre-right coalition government headed by Igor Matovic, leader of the Ordinary People and Independent Personalities (OLANO) party, after a February election which swept anti-corruption parties to power.
The government handover came as the coronavirus outbreak puts Europe on lockdown, pressuring Matovic's four-party coalition to quickly form a cabinet.
"Nobody knows what form this [coronavirus] crisis will take, how long it will last and what consequences it will have," Matovic said.
"We have a remedy for the coronavirus - it's solidarity, responsibility and the determination of all people who care about Slovakia," he said. "Let's go to battle." (Aljazeera)