Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

The Children’s World Day Marks under Shadow of War and Violence in Afghanistan

The Children’s World Day Marks under Shadow of War and Violence in Afghanistan

In recent days the children’s world day marked in Afghanistan whilst it is still considered as the most dangerous country for the children. Some local writers described it as hell of children where children suffer from war, poverty, social instability, violence, ignorance, disease, environmental crisis and more wretchedly they are used as human shield and war tool by terrorist groups. In fact, the children in Afghanistan are deliberately killed in educational centers, schools, streets and also battlefield. As the UN revealed in its latest report on the civilian cost of the Afghan war, nearly 1,900 children were killed or maimed in the first nine months of 2020. Therefore, it is high time, that the warring sides have a historic move making peace for the sake of children by regarding them as pillars of Afghanistan’s future and existence.
According to children affairs experts, the ongoing war and violence has left millions of children prone to extreme poverty barring them from their basic rights.  The physical side effects of the war and poverty will be disabilities, mental retarded children and overall weak society, but the psychological side effects of the war and poverty will be a bleak picture of their historical period with various types of psychological sickness as no morning they wake up without hearing news of war, violence and bloodshed in the country.
Therefore, the international community and humanitarian orgs must work with the government of Afghanistan to ensure national laws related to the protection of children are fully resourced and rolled out nationwide. And they should continue to work to help secure an enduring peace settlement so that future generations of children grow up free from the fear of violence and death.
Undoubtedly, all Afghan people are affected by insecurity and poverty but the vulnerable lives of children and women are more affected by the general state of the society.  Many social anomalies, such as theft, killing, suicide, social harassment, divorce and ethical deviation result from the same insecurity and extensive poverty. Thus, a variety of diseases and mental illnesses are also appearing due to chorionic food insecurity and mental discomfort. 
The death rates of women and children cannot be analyzed separated from the security, political and economic factors.  As a whole, the situation of the society will not improve as long as there is no positive change in general political and economic condition of the country. In this case, it is not expected that lactating and pregnant women and young children who need especial care and attention are not died or not faced malnutrition. When men are unemployed and unable to earn the necessary expenses for their families, it’s obvious that women and their children cannot enjoy healthy eating.
In fact, the terrorist fighters not only act as enemy of Afghan elders but also Afghan children. Recently, they killed a large number of children students in educational centers while earlier they had killed new born babies in a hospital - west of Kabul. What is more worryingly, they directly use children as strategic tools against Afghan people. A large number of them are trained or brainwashed outside the country in the medieval-style seminaries and then send back the same children to continue war in the country.
On the other hand, there seem no strategic views about children’s education, protection and also prevention from misuses. Despite poor education quality, it lies in low fiscal priorities or position in the country. And despite knowing how Afghan children are trained or brainwashed in outside training centers to continue the cycle of war in the country, there seems no plan for constructing alternative center to break the cycle. Undoubtedly, we cannot put an end to extremism unless we do not stop sending our children to extremist educational centers situated in neighboring countries.
In general, the ongoing war has not only deprived the innocent children from secure life but also used them as tool against secure society.  There are many types of physical and mental illnesses due to the chorionic food insecurity and malnourishment while these issues are the direct consequence of poverty caused by war and political instability in the country. According to UNICEF estimates in 2020, over 9.4 million people (54 per cent children) required humanitarian and protection assistance. Half of the population of Afghanistan – nearly 17 million people – live in conflict-affected areas and 103 districts are assessed as hardest to reach. The people of Afghanistan are routinely exposed to human rights violations, including deliberate attacks on schools and health facilities, sexual and gender-based violence and forced recruitment. Based on UNICEF estimates, nearly 600,000 children were at risk of severe acute malnutrition (SAM) in the same year.
As a short term solution, the attacks on children and their misuses must be prevented in Afghanistan. Also the parties into conflict should pay serious attention to protecting children and shielding them from the collateral damage of conflict. In longer term, the death rates of children cannot be analyzed separated from the security, political and economic factors.  It means the improvement of the living conditions of children and security of children depends entirely on security of whole country. The children causalities and children issues are the direct or indirect consequence of insecurity, war, political instability and also weak economy.However, if we are not able to solve their problems strategically, we must not forget the urgent attention. Therefore, government and international community should realize the critical condition of unbearable people such as women and children in Afghanistan.