Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

South Korea Calls in Japanese Ambassador to Protest Decision to Dump Fukushima Water into Ocean

South Korea Calls in Japanese  Ambassador to Protest Decision to Dump Fukushima Water into Ocean

South Korea’s foreign ministry summoned Tokyo’s ambassador on Tuesday to protest the Japanese government’s decision to release more than one million tons of contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the sea.
Tokyo’s ambassador, Koichi Aiboshi, and South Korea’s second vice foreign minister, Choi Jong-Moon, held talks within hours of Japan confirming that the country’s cabinet had backed the plan to release the contaminated water that has been held in tanks for the past two years.
Japan’s decision has been opposed by industries that rely on the surrounding water, and by countries in the region, including South Korea, due to concerns about the environmental impact of dumping the water into the Pacific Ocean. (RT)