Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Sanctions-battered Iran faces worst coronavirus wave

Sanctions-battered Iran faces  worst coronavirus wave

As Iran faces what looks like its worst wave of the coronavirus pandemic yet, Tehran commuters still pour into its subway system and buses each working day, even as images of the gasping ill are repeatedly shown on state television each night.
After facing criticism for downplaying the virus last year, Iranian authorities put partial lockdowns and other measures back in place to slow its spread.
But in this nation of 84 million people, which faces crushing US sanctions, many struggle to earn enough to feed their families.
Economic pressure, coupled with the growing uncertainty over when vaccines will be widely available in the country, have many simply giving up on social distancing, considering it an unaffordable luxury. That has public health officials worried the worst of the pandemic still may be yet to come.
Iran is now reporting its highest-ever new coronavirus case numbers — more than 25,000 a day. Its daily death toll has surged to about 400, still below the grim record of 486 it reached in November.  (Aljazeera)