Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Libya, Spain Discuss Ways to Boost Bilateral Ties

Libya, Spain Discuss Ways to  Boost Bilateral Ties

TRIPOLI-  Libyan Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibah on Thursday met with his Spanish counterpart Pedro Sanchez over the ways to boost bilateral relations, said a government statement.
Dbeibah expressed appreciation for all the efforts by the EU and Spain "in strengthening Mediterranean security, securing borders, promoting stability, and supporting Libya's democratic transformation through free, transparent and fair elections," said the statement issued by the government's information office.
The two leaders also agreed to reactivate the Libyan-Spanish joint commission to re-evaluate all previously signed agreements, and signed a number of memorandums of understanding in development, trade exchange, and investment, according to the statement.
Sanchez stressed the depth of the relations between Spain and Libya, as well as Spain's support for the Libyan stability and reconciliation.
He also announced the reopening of the Spanish embassy and consulate in Libya's capital Tripoli and resumption of granting Spanish entry visas to Libyans.
The Spanish leader's visit is accompanied by a number of businessmen, which reflects "the great interest of Spanish companies in working in the fields of healthcare, reconstruction, infrastructure, renewable energy, agricultural and animal wealth, and oil and gas," the statement said.
Dbeibah's Government of National Unity was selected by the UN-sponsored Libyan Political Dialogue Forum, ending years of political division in the North African country. (Xinhua)