Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Turkey Supports Syria’s Reforms: Davutoglu

Turkey Supports Syria’s Reforms: Davutoglu

ANKARA - Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said Friday Turkey expects reforms to be carried out in Syria and supports the government's efforts to meet its people's demands, local media reported. Turkey expects the Syrian administration to implement political, social, economic and security-related reforms and to take some visible steps, the semi-official Anatolia news agency quoted Davutoglu as saying during the ruling Justice and Development Party's election campaign in central province of Konya.
"Turkey does what is necessary for Syria and it extends all the support to help the country meet the demands of its people," he was quoted as telling reporters.

Unprecedented protests against Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad, with whom Ankara flourished its ties, alarmed Turkey that incidents could trigger further instability across the region and harm Turkey's trade interests and security such as a refugee wave across the 877 km border.
Syria is Turkey's closest neighbor and the country's destiny is of vital importance for Turkey, Ahmet said. "We cannot remain indifferent to the developments in Syria," he said. Turkey's top security board National Security Council convened Thursday and discussed the Syrian crisis. It said in a statement Turkey is "concerned with ascending social incidents" in Syria. Expressing sorrow for the loss of lives during the turmoil, Turkey called on the Syrian administration to implement immediately the reform process, which Al-Assad promised. (Xinhua)