Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Pak Suffered More Than Others in Fight against Terrorism: Zardari

Pak Suffered More Than Others in Fight against Terrorism: Zardari

ISLAMABAD - President Asif Ali Zardari said Pakistan has suffered more than any other country in the ongoing fight militancy and terrorism and reiterated commitment of the government to continue fighting the militants. He said Pakistan will cooperate with the world community till the complete eradication of the menace of terrorism for the safety of its own people and also peace and stability in the region and the world. He said that the nation has paid heavily in the war against terrorism losing thousands of its innocent men, women and children besides suffering colossal economic toll adding that no one should question Pakistan’s commitment or intentions in fighting the war.

The President was addressing PPP parliamentarians and officer bearers from Lahore Division at the Aiwan-e-Sadr Thursday night.
The President while commenting on political re-alignment and alliance with PML (Q) and other parties said that people have reposed great confidence in the party and the PPP will continue to work for strengthening political reconciliation in the country with the purpose to address various issues confronting the country particularly the critical economic situation.
The party will rise to the expectations of the people and is determined to give them Pakistan, having strong democracy and state institutions and also stable economy, he added.

He said that performance of the government will speak for itself in the upcoming general elections and the party will win again confidence of the people.
The President commended the maturity, with which all political parties agreed and passed a Bill in the Parliament to make ID cards mandatory for voters registration and polling. This shall address this issue, and remove once and for all, the stigma of rigged elections, through bogus votes, he added.
The Party MPs and office bearers present during the meeting spoke on host of issues including current political situation, coalition matters, political re-alignment, and party organization and also raised issues relating to their constituencies.
They also spoke about the huge sacrifices rendered by the country in the fight against militancy besides the recent developments in the fight against terrorism.

The President asked Party MPs and office bearers to gear up and reach out to the people in their respective areas and help resolve their problems and difficulties with eyes on the forthcoming general elections in 2013. He urged them to step up contacts with the voters of their constituencies.
The President assured the participants that their issues concerning their constituencies would be addressed.
The meeting reposed full confidence in the leadership of the PPP Co- Chairman President Asif Ali Zardari.  (Monitoring Desk)