Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

EU to Impose More Sanctions on Iranian, Libyan, Syrian Regimes

EU to Impose More Sanctions on Iranian, Libyan, Syrian  Regimes

BRUSSELS - Foreign Ministers of the 27-member European Union during their regular meeting in Brussels on Monday are expected to decide on a new round of sanctions on the regimes in Iran, Libya and Syria, EU sources told journalists here Friday.
The EU is expected to add more Syrian officials on the blacklist that includes a ban on visa for the EU and freezing of assets.
The sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, hinted that President Bashar Al-Asad could be included in the blacklist. Last week, the EU imposed a visa ban and assets freeze on 13 Syrian officials, but had excluded Bashar al-Assad.

"Repression in Syria is increasing," said the sources as justification for the new measures.
On Iran, the EU ministers are expected to add another bank and some individuals on the blacklist. On Libya one more individual will be added to the blacklist, said the sources without giving any further details.

The ministers are expected to discuss the current situation in Bahrain, Libya, Syria, Yemen and the Palestine question.
On Yemen, the sources said the EU fully supports the efforts by the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) in seeking a political solution to the crisis and is calling on Yemeni President Abdullah Ali Saleh to sign the GCC-initiated agreement.

"The Yemeni President has said he will sign it on Sunday so on Monday we will see if he signed it or not," noted the sources.
On Bahrain, the foreign ministers are expected to welcome the decree issued by King Hamad of Bahrain according to which the state of emergency will be lifted on June 1.
On Libya, the ministers are expected to repeat calls on Muammar Gaddafi to quit and welcome the request by the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court for arrest warrants against Gaddafi, his son and a brother-in-law for war crimes. (KUNA)