Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Israeli PM Urges Iran to Halt Uranium Enrichment

Israeli PM  Urges Iran to Halt Uranium Enrichment

JERUSALEM - Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Tuesday that Israel will not accept anything less than the total halt of Iranian uranium enrichment.

"We cannot accept anything less than a total cessation of all enrichment of nuclear materials at all levels, removal of all enriched nuclear material and a closure of Iran's illicit nuclear facilities," Netanyahu said during a meeting with Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird, according to an official statement issued after the meeting by the Prime Minister Office.

"Until Iran meets these demands, pressure must be stepped up and Iranian nuclear program must be stopped. Period," Netanyahu said.

Netanyahu warned that the new Iranian president, Hasan Rowhani, is just trying to buy more time through diplomacy. "He (Rowhani) said that by calming the international community Iran is able to steadily move forward in its nuclear weapons program," Netanyahu said.

Netanyahu praised Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper for passing last month a decision to impose a total trade ban on Iran.

Baird said that until Rowhani proves that he has changed Iran's course of action, "the international community must stand together for strength and resolve to ensure that they do take a different path, the path that the United Nations is calling for them to take." (Xinhua)