Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Ban Launches Official Re-Election Campaign

Ban Launches  Official Re-Election Campaign
UNITED NATIONS - UN Secretary-General Ban Ki- moon on Monday announced his official bid for a second term as the UN chief, saying "with the support of the (UN) member states, I will be deeply honored to serve once more."
The secretary-general made the announcement at a press conference here at the UN Headquarters in New York following his meeting with the Asian Group of nations at the United Nations.
Ban sent a letter to the president of the 15-nation UN Security Council, the UN ambassador of Gabon who holds the rotating Council presidency for June, formally asking for the support to his candidacy for a second five-year term as the UN secretary-general, diplomats said here.
Ban's current mandate ends on Dec. 31, and he has no declared rival for the post. (Xinhua)