Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Netanyahu, Obama to Discuss Iranian Nuclear Issue

Netanyahu, Obama to Discuss Iranian Nuclear Issue

JERUSALEM - U.S. President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will meet on Sept. 30 in Washington D.C., Netanyahu said on Tuesday during the weekly cabinet meeting. The meeting is set amid a warming-up of the relations between the U.S. and Iran, including an exchange of letters between Obama and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, which Teheran confirmed on Tuesday.

Netanyahu’s meeting with Obama is scheduled in concurrence with his attendance at the annual UN General Assembly in New York.

The Israeli prime minister said that on both occasions he will focus on the issue of stopping Iran’s nuclear program.

Netanyahu told the cabinet meeting that there are four necessary steps: “One, stopping all uranium enrichment. Two, removing all the enriched uranium. Three, closing Qom. Four, stopping the plutonium track.”“Only a combination of those four steps would truly constitute an end to the nuclear program,” he said. “Until these four steps are implemented, the sanctions on Iran need to be strengthened, and certainly not weakened.”Netanyahu’s comments come amid signs of improvement in the relations between the Washington and Teheran, and willingness to ease sanctions to allow good-will exchange. (Xinhua)