Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

World Powers and Iran to Resume Expert Nuclear Talks on December 30

World Powers and Iran to Resume Expert Nuclear Talks on December 30

BRUSSELS - Nuclear experts from Iran and six world powers will resume talks on how to roll out last month’s landmark deal on Monday in Geneva, hoping to resolve numerous technical issues before the accord can be put into place.

A spokeswoman for EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, who oversees diplomacy with Iran on behalf of the United States, Russia, China, France, Britain and Germany, said talks were scheduled to last one day for now.Two rounds of negotiations have been held so far since Iran agreed on November 24 to curb its most sensitive nuclear work in return for relief from some economic sanctions that are damaging its oil-dependent economy.The experts have to work out when the deal will be implemented, triggering the loosening of economic restrictions by the European Union and United States.

A key sticking point appears to be what information Western governments will receive in advance to verify that Iran is meeting its end of the deal before they lift some sanctions.Other outstanding issues address how exactly sanctions will be eased and practical details of Iranian concessions. (Reuters)