Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Syria Accuses Rebels of Hindering Chemical Weapons Removal

Syria Accuses Rebels of Hindering Chemical Weapons Removal

DAMASCUS - Syria's Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad on Sunday charged that armed groups are attempting to undermine cooperation between the Syrian government and the joint mission of the UN and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), according to the official SANA news agency.

"The terrorists and the countries that support them are continuing their attempts to hinder the cooperation between the Syrian government and UN-OPCW joint mission," Mekdad told the joint mission's special coordinator Sigrid Kaag during a meeting held Sunday in the capital Damascus.

During the meeting, Mekdad discussed with Kaag the recent developments regarding the ongoing process of eradicating Syria's chemical arsenal and the achievements that have been made in that regard, according to SANA.

While stressing his country's commitment to live up to its pledges about the removal of its chemical weapons, Mekdad charged that some countries are attempting to "politicize" the file of Syria's chemical weapons, pointing to the "information" that has been submitted by Syria to the OPCW regarding the involvement of some countries in supporting the rebels with the aim of hindering the cooperation of the Syrian government and the UN-OPCW mission.

Kaag reportedly hailed the ongoing cooperation between the mission and the Syrian government, stressing that the international community is aware of the size of challenges and the risks, under which the process of eliminating Syria's chemical weapons is carried out.

Last week, the UN-OPCW joint mission said in a statement that more than 53 percent of Syria's chemical weapons had been removed or destroyed.

The statement said the joint mission welcomes the momentum attained and "encourages Syria to sustain the current pace."

The UN Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution in September last year to rid war-torn Syria of its chemical weapons. Under the resolution, the OPCW was mandated to oversee the elimination of Syria's chemical materials.

The UN-OPCW Joint Mission has been tasked to timely remove Syria's chemical arsenals in the safest and most secure manner possible.

Western powers have recently accused Damascus of not living up to its pledges to quickly remove its chemical weapons but the Syrian government accused Western-backed rebels of hindering the transportation of chemical weapons by attacking bases where the materials are stored. (Xinhua)