Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

800 Militants Killed in 3 Months: Azimi

800 Militants Killed  in 3 Months: Azimi

KABUL - The Ministry of Defence on Wednesday announced more than 800 militants have been killed across the country over the past three months. During the period, 68 Afghan National Army (ANA) were killed, Maj. Gen. Zahir Azimi, the ministry spokesman, said told a press conference in Kabul. He said 800 militants were killed and another 1710 injured during face-to-face engagements with security forces in different parts of the country.

More than 295 militants were killed over the past one month, he said, adding 800 others were detained during the period. Azimi said 224 Afghan soldiers were killed in clashes and bomb attacks by militants. Eighty percent of casualties among the soldiers were a result of roadside bomb blasts, he said.

"Militants have been pushed back from their strongholds in Helmand, Kandahar, Farah, and Uruzgan provinces. The insurgents have now opted to carrying out suicide attacks and bomb explosions for being unable to face security forces," the spokesman said. Azimi also said Afghan soldiers had the capacity to assume the security responsibility on their own.
He said suicide and bomb attacks would increase with the start of the security transition process, scheduled to begin next month. However, he said efforts were being made to fill the vacuum to be created with the gradual drawdown of foreign troops. (Pajhwok)