Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

New Opposition Alliance Underway

New Opposition Alliance Underway

By Our Correspondent

Kabul: Three Strong political parties decided to form a new opposition alliance. Jamiate-e Islami, People's Unity Party of Afghanisatn (Wahdat) led by Haji Mohammad Mohaqiq and National Islamic Party of Afghanistan (Junbish) founded by Gen. Abdur Rashid Dostum decided to get around a new political alliance. The meeting was hosted by Mohaqiq on Thursday June 23, 2011, attended by many popular politicians; Ahmad Zia Massoud, the former Senior Vice President and the brother of Afghan legend Ahmad Shah Massoud (late), Haji Mohammad Mohaqiq, General Abdur Rashid Dostum, Sayyed Noorrullah Sadaat, Mohammad Natiqi and couple of MPs.

After a detailed discussion about the ongoing Afghan crisis and stalemate, they have decided that a new political alliance should be built up. Ahmad Zia Massoud said to the daily Outlook Afghanistan that Afghanistan needs a new opposition coalition which could properly address the current political deadlock of the country. "It is the time to put forward a new alternative to the nation otherwise the ongoing political downfall and growing distrust among the people will put the integrity of the country in serious danger," he said.

Mohaqiq said that the absence of viable opposition which could logically criticize and lead the government is the necessity of time since the current administration fails to deliver to the nation. The Karzai led government is pushing the nation to a dangerous dead end." Sayyed Noorullah Sadaat, the Chairman of the Northern based Junbish Party Said, "Karzai fails to adequately offer the response to the challanges posed to the nation. He almost lost his credibility nationally and internationally as a leader who could lead Afghanistan in this critical time period. That's why we decided to initiate this new alliance."

Responding to the question about the aims and the objectives of this new alliance, Ahmad Zia Massoud said, "We discussed in detail the flawed Reconciliation process, proposed traditional Loya Jirga, Current crisis of the parliament after the controversial verdict of the Special Electoral Tribunal disqualifying tens of sitting MPs, Afghanistan's deteriorating relations with international community, Upcoming regional conference in Turkey and the second Bonn Conference to be held at the end of the year. Soon the detailed programs of the alliance will be issued to the media…." "We are waiting for the response of some of the leaders whom we have already invited to join us." "The alliance won't be based on ethnic and regional lines rather it will provide a comprehensive way out of the current stalemate" he added.

According to the information this was the third sitting of the mentioned leaders and by the next week they are planning to officially announce the name and the main objectives of the alliance. The source with condition of anonymity said that the alliance is going to challenge the President Karzai's ongoing peace talks with Taliban, demanding for Parliamentary Democracy and emphasize on Decentralization of Power before the withdrawal of International Coalition Forces from Afghanistan in 2014. It is not yet known the connection of this alliance with the already active opposition led by Dr. Abdullah Abdullah and Amrullah Saleh. There are differences of view among the Experts whether the underway opposition alliance will invite Dr. Abdullah Abdullah and Amrullah Saleh to join them.