Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, May 3rd, 2024

Vote Invalidation Process in Full Swing

Vote Invalidation  Process in Full Swing

KABUL - Roughly 4,000 ballot boxes were adjudicated on Monday during the vote invalidation kickoff resulting in 72 boxes being pronounced invalid from several provinces.

It is expected that the process will take less than an hour for the next seven days; that is almost 4,000 ballot boxes being arbitrated a day.

On Monday a total of 3,748 boxes fates were decided upon of which 2,748 were pronounced genuine, 796 recounted and 72 boxes were marked as invalid from several provinces.

During the broadcast of the invalidation process, IEC Chairman Ahmad Yousuf Nuristani was not present during what seems as a critical session in determining the status of the audited votes.

The IEC officials announced that the regular audit will be concluded later this evening on Monday and that the recount procedure of the 6,000 special ballot boxes will be accelerated.

IEC officials said that 9,500 checklists have been entered into the database system. They added that preparations have been made for the conclusion of the audit process.

As the audit process slowly comes to an end, President Hamid Karzai has repeatedly emphasized that the inauguration date set for September 2 is still in place. (Tolonews)