Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

UN Welcomes Parliamentary Vote Results Announced By IEC

UN Welcomes  Parliamentary Vote  Results Announced By IEC

KABUL - Ban Ki-moon's special representative to Afghanistan has once again welcomed the former results of parliamentary elections announced by Independent Election Commission (IEC).
In response to a letter from Afghan House of Representatives, UN Special envoy to Afghanistan Staffan de Mistura wrote that the UN once again welcomes the final results of parliamentary elections that were announced by IEC.

De Mistura announced his support to democratic institutions, suggesting tensions between parliament and legislative branches should be resolved through legal ways.
Last week at the UN Security Council the UN envoy to Afghanistan expressed concern about tensions between government branches and said the UN will make efforts to prevent the situation from further deepening into an institutional crisis.

"Back in 22 December, 2010 the UN Security Council welcomed the final results of the elections announced by IEC and called on all Afghan organisations to work to the extent of their authority and base on constitution and all laws enforced in Afghanistan," Abdul Qader Qalatwal said.

The letter was sent to the UN office based in Kabul seeking the body to intervene for an end to growing institutional tensions.
Meanwhile, the commission which was set up to review the initiative suggested by Independent Election Commission for an end to parliamentary tensions presented the result of its review to President Hamid Karzai.

The commission said the initiative has been approved by the president.
The President instructed the related organisations to follow the issue in the view of the initiative.
"The special tribunal which is a legal panel studied the legal aspect of the issue, but it hasn't reviewed the penal aspect of the issue," a Legal Advisor to President Karzai, Nasrullah Stanekzai, said. (Tolo News)