Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Arghandiwal, Zakhilwal Call for A Proper Strategy for Economy

Arghandiwal, Zakhilwal Call for A Proper Strategy for Economy

KABUL - Afghan Economy Minister on Saturday told parliamentarians that the government should have an accurate strategy for the country's economy. On Saturday Economy and Finance ministers were summoned to the House of Representatives over a skyrocketing increase in food and fuel prices. Economy Minister Abdul Hadi Arghandiwal sees trade transition challenges with neighboring countries as the factor behind a surge in food prices recently.

Insecurity is one of the biggest challenges ahead of economic development in the country, Economy minister told lawmakers. "Regretfully we are in a situation where fighting is going on everywhere. The roadmap we make for insecure areas harm our economy and market," Economy minister said. Finance minister said Afghan economy is not stable while hugely reliant on international assistance.

Finance Minister Omar Zakhilwal remarked crisis in Kabul Bank was a big blow to economy growth recently, saying Afghanistan will still have problem with the World Bank over the Kabul Bank issue.
Finance Minister said: "We have a contradicting economic policies and I do agree that we have a shaky economy."

Economy minister expressed concern about Afghan agricultural products, including fruits going perished. Omar Zakhilwal said it is because of shortcoming in food preservation facilities. (Tolo News)