Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Parliament Wants its Decision Implemented

Parliament  Wants its Decision Implemented

AG and CJ are the leading lawbreakers: Zahir Qadir

KABUL - Parliament on Tuesday once again called on the government to implement its no confidence votes against the Supreme Court's chief justice, five other judges and the Attorney General.
The lower house of parliament last month passed a vote of no confidence against Attorney General Mohammad Ishaq Alako after he failed to appear before the house. Two days later, the house also passed no confidence votes against the Supreme Court Chief Justice and five other justices whose tenures in office had expired.

The parliament had summoned Alako and the supreme court judges for their role in the creation of a special election court that disqualified 62 MPs of the 249-seat ""
Wolesi Jirga. The court's decision has yet to be implemented.

A number of lawmakers on Tuesday accused the government of not implementing the house's decisions.
Abdul Zahir Qadir, a lawmaker from eastern Nangarhar province, called the Attorney General (AG) and the Chief Justice (CJ) leading lawbreakers, who had been fired by the parliament through no confidence votes.

He said the Interior Ministry should implement the action required in this regard.
Another lawmaker from western Farah province said that the security services should implement the house's decisions. He suggested summoning the officials concerned for not enforcing the house's decisions.