Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

ECO Stresses Cooperation Among Customs Offices

ECO Stresses Cooperation Among Customs Offices

KABUL - Commerce ministers of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) member states met in Kabul on Wednesday. They agreed on enhanced cooperation among customs offices. The ministers at the meeting also decided to make efforts to bring into effect the Economic Cooperation Organization Trade Agreement (ECOTA) by the end of this year.

ECOTA was signed on July 17, 2003 in Pakistan's capital, Islamabad.
Commerce ministers from all member states, except Azerbaijan, attended the fourth Economic Cooperation Organization's meeting in Kabul, the Afghan commerce minister, Anwarul Haq Ahadi, told reporters.

He said the differences in customs procedures of member states were the main barrier to trade among the countries. All participants stressed the need for cooperation among customs offices, he said.
Afghanistan, Iran, Uzbekistan, Turkey, Tajikistan, Pakistan, Turkmanistan, Kazakhstan, Kirghizstan and Azerbaijan are members of the ECO.