Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

President Karzai Adviser Killed

President Karzai  Adviser Killed

KABUL – Gunmen attacked the home of an adviser to president Karzai in Karte-chahar district of Kabul on Sunday evening. According to initial reports threeattackersentered Jan Mohammad Khan, former governor of Uruzgan province and adviser to President Hamid Karzai, home and killed him along with Mohammad HashimWatanwal, an MP from Uruzgan province and three bodyguards. "There has been an armed attack by at least two gunmen on the house of the former governor of Uruzgan Jan Mohammad Khan in the KarteChaar neighborhood of Kabul. Shooting is continuing," said interior ministry spokesman SiddiqSiddiqi.

The killing comes less than a week after the president's half-brother Ahmed Wali Karzai was assassinated in the southern province of Kandahar, birthplace of the Taliban. According to the independent website afghan-bios.info, Khan's nephew runs a 3,000-strong militia in Uruzgan.

His death will further inflame the volatile politics of the southern region, where the Taliban are battling US-led troops for control of the area.

The process of handing responsibility for security from foreign forces to Afghans also began on Sunday, with the brazen killings likely to fuel doubts about the readiness of Afghan security forces to take care of the country. (OA/AFP)