Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Waheed Omar: Targeted Killings Couldn’t Go Without Revenge

Waheed Omar: Targeted Killings Couldn’t Go Without Revenge

KABUL - Afghan government would avenge the serial and targeted killings of high-ranking Afghan officials and tribal elders, President Karzai's Spokesman said on Sunday.
Speaking at a press conference, Karzai's Spokesperson Waheed Omar said the assassination of our national figures and tribal elders is part of a big plot by the enemies of Afghanistan.
Mr Omar said the Taliban and their affiliates want to disrupt the security transition process, but the process will continue despite all challenges.

"The Taliban and their supporters who are the cause of the presence of international forces in Afghanistan are making efforts to prevent Afghans from taking the security lead," Mr Omar said.
Karzai's Spokesman described the murdered figures as the servants of the people of Afghanistan, saying the government is committed to talks with the Taliban, but soon killers of Afghan national figures will have to pay back.

"We are committed to fight against those who carry out this sort of cowardly actions, so that revenge of the death of elders and protectors of Afghanistan is taken," he said. "But again we want peace and stability in Afghanistan and we won't turn back on the way to peace in the country."

Meanwhile, officials in the ministry of interior affairs said despite growing security challenges security handover process will be implemented.
A spokesperson for Interior Affairs Ministry, Sediq Sediqi, said: "Police forces are prepared to undertake the responsibilities. And Afghan police forces are committed to prove they are capable enough to take this big responsibility."

Once again Karzai's Office called on the United States to step up efforts to neutralize and dismantle insurgents' safe havens on the other side of Afghan border.
"If tomorrow the United States can eliminate insurgent safe havens and prevent militants to infiltrate into Afghan territory, the hostilities will lose soul and Afghan people know at best how to deal with them without tanks and planes," Mr Omar said.

The remarks came as Bamyan became the first province to be handed over to Afghan forces. Meanwhile, some Afghan lawmakers see the assassination of senior government officials controversial.
Concerned about the new wave of targeted killings over the past weeks, parliamentarians urged investigation into the incidents.