Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, May 18th, 2024

Senators Say Concerned over Youth Migration

Senators Say Concerned  over Youth Migration

KABUL - Mesharano Jirga members on Tuesday expressed their deep concern over the Afghan youth joining the refugee stream to Europe and asked the government to generate jobs for them.

Reports say the number of Afghan youth seeking migration to foreign countries has considerably increased during the past three months.

There are no exact figures for the Afghans who had already left, but Senator Jumadin Gyanwal said hundreds of people could be seen standing in front of the passport office on a daily basis.

Criticising the government’s performance, he said poverty and joblessness was on the rise and a particular family controlled every ministry.

He added corruption and lawlessness were other reasons fueling the large scale migration from Afghanistan.

Gulalai Akbari, another upper house member, said educated and skilled youth were leaving Afghanistan, a country where human resources and manpower were being wasted.

Addressing government officials, she said: “The day would come when you will request these youth for vote you.”

Senate Chairman Fazal Hadi Muslimyar also expressed his concern over the migration and urged the youth not to leave the country. He urged them to stay and help steer the country out of crises.

“Going to the west is not a solution. The youth has the responsibility towards Afghanistan’s reconstruction.”

The chairman urged the government to take steps that could discourage further migration and generate work opportunities for youth at their door step. (Pajhwok)