Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 18th, 2024

Jihadi Council Intensifies Call for Convening Loya Jirga

Jihadi Council  Intensifies Call for  Convening Loya Jirga

KABUL - The newly-established council of former Jihadi figures on Saturday called on the government for an urgent holding of traditional Loya Jirga to amend the Constitution.

Based on the political agreement between now President Ashraf Ghani and CEO Abdullah Abdullah to form a power-sharing National Unity Government (NUG), the two leaders must convene Loya Jirga (Grand Council) within first two years of their office to amend the Constitution and create the post of Prime Minister.

The Jihadi Council – which was established after security situation deteriorated over the past few months – said they wanted to determine the fate of the already agreed post of Prime Minister.

The council, which constitutes ex-Jihadists and political leaders, urged the government to take their call serious for convening the traditional gathering – which is rarely being held for making major national-level decisions.

"Holding of Loya Jirga is one of the demands of the people and this council," the council member Iqbal Safi said. "If the government didn't respond to our demand, we will make our next decision in consultation with the people."

The members of the council maintained that they will meet with President Ashraf Ghani soon to

In addition, they said the council in cooperation with the government has established a new committee which will draft plans to bring reforms to security, political and economic sectors.

However some other members of the council claimed that the government is not interested in the council.

"The government despite having its inefficiencies is not much interested in working with this council," Dawood Kalakani said. "Even in some cases, the government opposes the council."

However the government in response to council's demand said that it will take steps in line with its promises and the circumstances.

The council constitutes former Jihadi leader Abdul Rab Rassoul Sayyaf, former defense minister Besmillah Mohammadi, former Jihadi leader and former vice president Mohammad Yunus Qanuni, former defense minister Abdul Rahim Wardak, former minister of economy Abdul Hadi Arghandiwal, former minister of interior Mohammad Omar Daudzai, former Jihadi leader and ex-minister of water and energy Mohammad Ismail Khan and other prominent jihadi figures and leaders of political parties.

The council was established following a sharp increase in insecurity across the country, most specifically, after the fall of Kunduz city to the Taliban. (Tolonews)