Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Karzai Warned Against Ignoring Parliament Decisions

Karzai Warned  Against Ignoring  Parliament Decisions

KABUL - If parliament's decisions are not implemented, President Hamid Karzai's credibility would come under question, a coalition in the Wolesi Jirga warned on Monday. Last month, the assembly passed a no-confidence vote against Attorney General Mohammad Ishaq Aloko. However, the decision has not been implemented so far.
On June 25, the house also voted for sacking five Supreme Court judges, including the chief justice, Abdul Salam Azimi, and his deputy Bahauddin Baha.
The four others justices are Abdul Rashid Rashid, Zamin Ali Behsudi, Mohammad Omar Babrakzai and Maulvi Abdul Aziz.

Lawmakers at that time said the five judges had been fired for their role in creation of a special election tribunal that conducted a vote recount and announced that 62 of the sitting MPs should vacate their seats.

But the Wolesi Jirga, refusing to accept the verdict, has repeatedly branded the court as an illegal entity and demanded its dissolution. The lower house has long been asking President Karzai to introduce his remaining cabinet choices for a vote of confidence.

"If decisions taken by the Wolesi Jirga are not going to be implemented, we can question the president's credibility under Article 69 of the constitution," an MP from western Herat province, Mohammad Rafiq Shaheer, told a press conference in Kabul.

A member of the Coalition for the Support of Law, the legislator said they would explore other legal means of getting their decisions enforced. However, he would not elaborate on the "other legal means".
He believed disrespecting the parliament's decisions was against the national interest and the government would be responsible for future consequences.
Calls seeking comments from the president's spokesman were not answered.