Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Kabul to Decide About Taliban Participation in Bonn II: Crocker

Kabul to Decide About Taliban  Participation in Bonn II: Crocker

KABUL - In an exclusive interview with Tolo news, US Ambassador to Afghanistan said the second Bonn conference will be led by Afghans and Kabul should decide whether to exclude or include Taliban in the conference. Once again US Ambassador to Afghanistan Ryan Crocker urged Pakistan to do more in the fight against insurgents that are attacking foreign troops in Afghanistan.
Earlier Ryan Crocker said that there is no space for the Taliban to take part in the forthcoming Bonn conference.

"Well, I think it has been very clear. There is going to be one Afghan delegation and it is going to be led by the government of Afghanistan. The foreign minister has spoken to this issue," Ryan Crocker said.

"He does not exclude that members of the Taliban could be part of that delegation. Depending on how they have done with the higher peace council, but it is a single delegation."

Pakistan is believed to be a key player in Afghan peace efforts and officials in Islamabad have long insisted that they want to be part of the solution, not the problem.
Mr Crocker said the US will continue to work with Pakistan to make sure that the Taliban are brought under control.

"We have been and we will continue to work with Pakistani government to ensure that ... the Taliban is brought under control in Pakistan and prevented from creating problems in Afghanistan. But it is important to bear in mind that here again there is a common enemy," he said.

Kabul and the international community constantly criticize Pakistan for allowing insurgents and al-Qaeda network to use its soil against its neighbors.
After fugitive al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden was found living in the garrison city of Abbottabad for nearly a decade, doubts even grew more about Pakistan fighting in the war with an honest face.