Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

WJ Rejects IEC’s Decision

WJ Rejects IEC’s Decision

We want to defend the dignity and position of the house: Ebrahimi

KABUL – Wolesi Jirga (WJ) strongly rejected the decision taken by the Independent Election Commission (IEC) to unseat 9 lawmakers.
The administrative board of the parliament has issued seven resolutions under which it rules out any sort of change in final results of vote even if the change is brought by the IEC.
The administrative board said that the decision has been made under the pressure from President Karzai's Office.
This is unconstitutional and the parliament cannot accept it, the administrative board said.

Speaker of the House of Representatives Abdul Raouf Ebrahimi said: "The resolution issued by the house is legally credible and this is our authority. We want to defend the dignity and position of the house."
"Unfortunately there are circles that encourage some people against the parliament. This is not a personal matter or a step to protect our seats, but protecting the reputation of the house," Deputy House Speaker Ahmad Behzad said.

Some parliamentarians stressed that 180 representatives have sworn in to the house and even one single representative would not be unseated.

Meanwhile, the IEC distributed certificates to eight of the nine candidates announced winners by the commission. These nine candidates are expected to be seated in the parliament based on votes cast in their favour and nine other representatives should leave their seats and quit the parliament.