Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Russia Interested to Build Infrastructures in Afghanistan

Russia Interested to Build Infrastructures in Afghanistan

KABUL - The Ministry of Finance on Saturday said that after Russia expressed willingness to fund infrastructure projects in Afghanistan, the ministry has decided to propose some projects to the country.
According to the Ministry the Russian government is committed to provide approximately 500 million dollars to the Afghan transportation and energy sector. The projects will be prioritized by the Afghan-Russia Economical Cooperation Commission.

In the quadrilateral summit held in Dushanbe, the Russian president Dmitry Medvedev promised that his country will cooperate in building infrastructures in Afghanistan. The Finance Ministry says that the Afghan government is interested in Russian investment in the country.

"Russia is helping Afghanistan at the right time. This is what Afghanistan was expecting," Finance Minister Spokesman, Aziz Shams, said.

Meanwhile, some economists say that the government hasn't been able to provide a necessary ground for reconstruction of fundamental establishments and to attract foreign investment.

"This indicates the shortfalls of pertinent bodies that should have made more focus on these fields," Taj Mohammad Akbar, a lecturer at Kabul University, said.

Russian President has said that his country was interested to take part in investments in power transit and Turkmenistan's gas projects that will go through Afghan soil, but that Russia was never given the chance to do so. (Tolo News)