Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Crocker Reiterates Continued US-Afghan Partnership

Crocker Reiterates Continued US-Afghan Partnership

KABUL - US Ambassador Ryan Crocker has reiterated the importance of a continued US-Afghan partnership after the security transition from foreign troops to local forces.
Meeting with governors from eastern provinces at an Eid celebration hosted by Regional Command (RC)-East Commander Major General Daniel Allyn and Senior Civilian Representative Paul Folmsbee, Crocker emphasized that transition was an essential pillar of the United States' long-term commitment to Afghanistan.

He said the security transfer to the Afghan lead would serve as an important milestone on the path to an enduring US partnership with Afghanistan.

Crocker, Major General Allyn, and Senior Civilian Representative Folmsbee ended their remarks by wishing everyone in attendance a happy Eid.