Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

US, Allies Fail to Defeat Terror: MPs

US, Allies Fail to Defeat Terror: MPs

KABUL - Some parliamentarians believe the United States of America and its allies have failed to root out terrorism during the 10-year war in Afghanistan after the 9/11 attacks.
On September 11, 2001, a number of Al Qaeda-linked individuals hijacked four planes in the US, crashing one of them into the Pentagon and two others into the World Trade Center in New York. The forth plane failed to hit its target -- the White House -- and crashed in Pennsylvania.

Around 3,000 people were killed and thousands wounded in the well-orchestrated assaults. The US blamed Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, who was in Afghanistan at that time, for masterminding the attacks and asked the Taliban to hand him over.

However, the Taliban rejected the request and the US, along with its allies, invaded Afghanistan on October 7, 200 to oust the regime and replace it with an interim government led by Hamid Karzai.
Forty-eight countries, including the US, have since maintained their military presence in Afghanistan and are collectively battling the Taliban.

The US and its allies are yet to defeat terrorism in Afghanistan and around the world, Abdul Qayyum Sajadi, a member of the ""'Wolesi Jirga from southern Ghazni province, told Pajhwok Afghan News.
He said the two-faced policy of western countries against terrorists reveals the 9/11 attacks were plotted by the US itself. The US did so to secure its interests, have a military presence in Afghanistan and hold its sway on other regional countries.

According to him, the US attacks terrorists wherever and whenever it serves its interests. The achievements of US and the International Community during the past 10 year don't match their expenses in the country.

The US has reportedly spent hundreds of billions of dollars on the ongoing war in Afghanistan. Osama Bin Laden has died, but Al Qaeda is still alive, Sajadi said. "As long as terrorism is not fully eradicated, the world will continue to witness new attacks every day."

Osama bin Laden was killed four months ago during an operation by US Special Forces in the Pakistan's garrison town of Abbottabad, but anti-government elements, especially the Taliban, are getting stronger day in and day out in Afghanistan.

The US and its allies can defeat the terrorist networks when they banish poverty from the world, including Afghanistan, and provide opportunities for the people elect governments of their choice, he said.
Abdul Jabbar Qahraman, an MP from southern Helmand province, alleged Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence ('ISI) has given Al Qaeda a boost. The spy agency was complicit in the 9//11 assaults, he claimed.

Washington also knows the attacks were facilitated by ISI, he said, explaining the US and its allies can defeat terrorism only after weakening the intelligence agency, he remarked.

About the operation against bin Laden, he said: "Terrorist sanctuaries and militant leaders' whereabouts have become known. The US must focus its attention on Pakistan to heal the cancer -- ISI."

Shukriya Barakzai, Kabul's representative in Parliament, said the US and its partners could not achieve their goal of eradicating terrorism from Afghanistan -- thanks to a lack of coordination in their efforts.
It is right Al Qaeda was behind 9/11, but to some extent, Americans were also involved in the attacks, she said without elaborating. Powerful countries of the world sometimes do improper things to promote their economic interests, she said.

Fatima Aziz, an MP from northern Kunduz province, said the US-led coalition troops could bring peace and stability to Afghanistan only for two years after the invasion.

Two years after the invasion, the security situation began to deteriorate because corrupt and unqualified people were appointed to key government positions. The US and its allies have undoubtedly spent a colossal amount of money over the past ten years in Afghanistan, but on their soldiers, Aziz said.

The US wants a military presence to hold its sway on regional countries, she said, adding Washington would accomplish its mission in Afghanistan if it wins hearts and minds of the Afghans. "The US will win the hearts of Afghans by avoiding a repetition of past mistakes."