Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Coalition Rejects Parliamentary Team for Talks

Coalition Rejects  Parliamentary Team for Talks

KABUL - The Coalition Supporting the Enforcement of Law on Saturday rejected a 10-member delegation named by the "Wolesi Jirga" to resolve problems arising out of the Independent election Commission's decision regarding the disqualification of several legislators.
With 104 members in a house of 249, the coalition boycotted Wolesi Jirga sessions after nine unsuccessful candidates were sworn in as members of Parliament a week back in line with the commission's decision.

On September 7, lawmakers demanded the constitution of a team to resolve the problems with the parliamentary groups. Subsequently, Haji Muhammad Mohaqiq, Syed Hussain Anwari, Shukriya Barakzai, Siddiq Ahmed Osmani, Sher Wali Wardak, Daud Kalkani, Fikori Behishti, Humaira Ayubi, Nadir Khan Katawazai and Eng. Abdul Ghaffar were tasked with holding talks with the group.

Wolesi Jirga member from Kabul Kalkani hoped the coalition would come negotiate with the delegation on its grievances. "A divided house is not in the interest of the nation."

"Afghans have a tradition to go to any length once they take a stand on an issue. But the coalition will hopefully hold talks with the delegation," legislator Syed Hussain Anwari said.

Abdul Sattar Khawasi from central Parwan province urged the coalition to end its boycott of Wolesi Jirga if it wanted to resolve problems of the people. "The government is very happy with our differences, as there is no one to check its activities."

Without naming anyone, the coalition head Haji Zahir Qadeer said some of the delegation members were with them a few days ago and they were not ready to talks.

About 50 unsuccessful candidates and their supporters, who pitched a tent at the Pakhtunistan Square on September 7, continued to press for their demands on Saturday.

One of the candidates, Daud Sultanzoi who was declared successful but not sworn as MP, said: "We demand our rights and the purpose of our protest is to make changes in the system, not to destroy it."