Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

EA Distributes Cycle Carts

EA Distributes  Cycle Carts

KABUL - As a part of its social activities, Etisalat Afghanistan (EA) distributed 45 cycle carts to needy and unemployed people. The project is expected to help these individuals find a source of income to support themselves and their families. In addition to this, EA has paved the way for many Afghans to find jobs within and outside the company and is standing committed to improve their skills and knowledge so that they lead a good life and become the leaders of Afghanistan`s future.

Unemployment is one of the factors impacting the people of Afghanistan; nowadays a huge number of youths are unemployed and are in search of jobs.

Mr. Shaiq Faryabi, chairman of handicaps in Northern parts of Afghanistan said that Etisalat Afghanistan has always stood by the people of Afghanistan. He further said that the sentiment of Etisalat toward the people has made it close to hearts of the people in Afghanistan. Representing the handicaps, I would like to thank Etisalat for its generous supports.

While speaking on the occasion Mr. Marwan Mohammed Saleh, VP, Etisalat Afghanistan said, "Today we are here to share our feelings with our brothers and to assure them that we are standing by them. Distribution of cycle carts is an addition to the series of our long term supports and relation with the people of Afghanistan and is expected to bring positive changes and stability in their life.

We stand committed to our commitments and will never give up till we fulfill our promises." He added, "Since the launch of Etisalat in Afghanistan, it has conducted many social and community projects to empower education, sports, health and environmental issues. Food distribution for needy people and reconstruction of mosques are among other initiatives from Etisalat."

Etisalat Afghanistan started its operation in Kabul in 2007 and, the company has upheld its commitment and dedication in serving the community by playing an active role as a socially responsible entity, re-affirming its strong belief in being part of the Afghan society in areas important to their needs.