Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Prof. Rabbani Killed

Prof. Rabbani Killed

KABUL – Professor Burhanuddin Rabani, Former President and head of Afghanistan Peace, Reconciliation and Reintegration Program (APRRP), set up by Afghan government to work toward a political solution with the Taliban, was assassinated Tuesday evening in Kabul by a suicide bomber concealing explosives in his turban. Four of Rabbani's bodyguards and a key presidential adviser, Mohammad Masoom Stanakzai, also died.
The turban bomber entered Rabbani's house in Wazir Akbar Khan, a diplomatic enclave, and blew himself up inside, said Mohammad Zahir, the chief of criminal investigation for the Kabul police. The alleged killers were not physically searched since he was brought to Rabbani's House by Stanakzai. Stanakzai was chief executive of APRRP, a highly touted program to bring mid- and lower-level Taliban back into Afghan society.

A member of Mr. Rabbani's household talking to media said that "Two Taliban went with Mr. Stanakzai. No-one was checked. Shortly after that we heard an explosion. Everyone started shouting: "They killed Ustaad Ustaad."

The program has so far only managed to reintegrate about 2,000 of the estimated 25,000-40,000 insurgents in Afghanistan.
Taliban expert and former deputy European Union special representative to Afghanistan, Michael Semple, described the attack as "one of the biggest blows the peace process in Afghanistan has faced".
Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid claimed responsibility for the attack outside. "Yes, we carried out the attack on Rabbani but will provide you other details shortly," he told Reuters.

The assassinations of Professor Rabbani shocked the capital Kabul and rest of the country in particular the Northern Afghanistan. Hundreds of security personnel rushed to the spot immediately after the explosion and ceased the area.

Professor Rabbani was a former Mujahidin leader hailed as a hero who had played a key role in ending the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan in the 1980s and early 1990s. His party, Jamiat-e-Islami was the first Mujahidin fighters to enter Kabul after the Soviet withdrawal in 1992. He also led the anti Taliban resistance and remained UN recognized Afghan president till the end of Taliban regime in late 2001. Ahmad Shah Massoud, legendary commander of the anti resistance force of the Northern Alliance was also killed by the same Taliban and Al-Qaeda joint plot ten years back who was also belonged to the same Jamiat-e-Islami and to Tajik ethnic group. Earlier this year two important commanders of the same group, Saidkheli and Dawood Dawood, were also killed.
According to analysts, an apparently deliberate attack on a still-embryonic peace process that has created tensions within Afghanistan is likely to tip the country further into political crisis. Many believe that this well planned assassination will have a deep effect on Afghan and regional political and security developments.

Condolence Messages
Obama: Rabani's Death will Not Deter US

NEW YORK - President Barack Obama says the killing of Afghanistan's ex-leader will not deter the U.S. and Afghanistan from helping that country's people live freely.
Obama says the former president's death is tragic because he was a man who cared deeply about Afghanistan.
Obama commented Tuesday at the top of a meeting in New York with current Afghan President Hamid Karzai.

Hague: Rabbani Death will Not Hurt Afghan Reconciliation
UNITED NATIONS - The assassination of former Afghan president Burhanuddin Rabbani will not hurt Afghanistan's bid for peace and reconciliation, British Foreign Secretary William Hague said Tuesday.
"He worked tirelessly for peace and a secure future for Afghanistan, and we are confident that this will in no way reduce the determination of the government of Afghanistan to continue to work for peace and reconciliation," Hague told reporters. (AFP)

Pakistan: Rabbani was a friend of Pakistan
A joint statement released by Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani stated that "Rabbani was a friend of Pakistan with whom we were working closely within the Afghanistan-Pakistan Joint Commission for Reconciliation and Peace on a vision for peace and prosperity in Afghanistan. The people of Pakistan stand by their Afghan brothers and sisters in this moment of grief," both the leaders said.

India: The forces of terror and hatred have silenced yet another powerful voice
Indian Foreign Minister, S M Krishna, strongly condemned the killing of Prof. Rabbani. In a press release issued by Indian Embassy in Kabul stated that "I offer my deepest condolences and solidarity with the members of the family of Prof. Rabbani and the people of Afghanistan. I would also like to reiterate the steadfast support of the people and government of India in Afghanistan's quest for peace and efforts to strengthen the roots of democracy. Tragically, the forces of terror and hatred have silenced yet another powerful voice of reason and peace in Afghanistan. We unreservedly condemn this act of great brutality."

Iran: Iranian Parliament harshly Condemns this terrorist attack
Iran condemned the killing of former Afghan president Burhanuddin Rabbani. 'The Iranian parliament harshly condemns this terrorist attack,' Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani wrote in a statement carried by ISNA.
'We also send our condolences to the Afghan nation and government over the loss of one of the most distinguished and influential personalities of Afghanistan,' the speaker added.

Staffan de Mistura: UNAMA is shocked and saddened by the death of Professor
The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) is shocked and saddened by the death of Professor Burhanuddin Rabbani, former President of Afghanistan and Chairman of the High Peace Council, along with a number of his colleagues.
UNAMA condemns in the strongest possible terms this attack on people who were working to bring peace in Afghanistan and extends its deepest condolences to the families of those affected.
"The search for peace must continue. We know that the efforts led by Professor Rabbani to bring peace to Afghanistan will not end and UNAMA will continue to assist in these efforts," said Staffan de Mistura, the Special Representative of the Secretary-Generalfor Afghanistan.

Vygaudas Ušackas: The search for peace must continue
The European Union Special Representative and Head of Delegation Ambassador, Vygaudas Ušackas, strongly condemned the brutal assassination of former President Burhanuddin Rabbani. Commenting on the recent turn of events Ambassador Ušackas said, "This is a tragic day for all of us. The Afghan people had fought hard to choose a just leader for the High Council of Peace, which he truly was. This attack represents the intention of a handful of people that wish to undermine democracy and threaten the stability of the country. I call upon the perpetrators of this attack to express their opinions through peaceful means and renounce violence for the sake of the future of Afghanistan."

ISAF, NATO: The face of the peace initiative has been attacked
The commander of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) and the NATO senior civilian representative condemned the murder of High Peace Council Chairman Prof. Burhanuddin Rabbani.
"The face of the peace initiative has been attacked," said Gen John Allen, the ISAF commander. "This is another outrageous indicator that, regardless of what Taliban leaders outside the country say, they do not want peace, but rather war."

In a statement, Gen. Allen said: "Their only goal with this completely immoral act is to turn the clock back to the darkness synonymous with the Taliban movement."
While condoling with the families of Prof. Rabbani and Stanikzai, Allen promised they would continue to work closely with our Afghan partners in their march toward peace.
Ambassador Simon Gass, the NATO senior civilian representative, said: "Rabbani was leading efforts towards peace in Afghanistan. He was a brave man, who did not hesitate to risk his own life in the search for a better future for all Afghans.

"It is clear that the organizers attacked what they feared most - peace. For they know that the creed of hatred and oppression which they represent will always be contrary to the free will of the Afghan people. My condolences go to the victims, family and friends of all those killed."

Mohammad Karim Khalili: A great loss for the country
Ustad Rabbani was a great leader who tried to serve Afghanistan throughout his life and at last sacrificed his life on the way of peace. This loss is huge but the enemies of Afghanistan should understand that Afghanistan is impregnable and we are use to these sacrifices. Enemies cannot dominate by serial assassinations and cannot create barriers on the way to peace, stability and prosperity of our country.

Atta Mohammad Noor: Revenge will be taken
Taliban Once again, proven to be the enemies of the Country. They cannot discourage us by killing the leaders of Jihad and resistance. The path of Ustad Rabbani will continue and the followers of the martyred leader will take the revenge of this crime.

Haji Mohammad Mohaqiq: Enemies are irreconcilable
Ustad Rabbani was a great scholar and political leader. The enemies of the country once again proven that they don't believe in peace and don't have any goal but the destruction. On one hand they claim to be the flagmen of Islam but on the other hand their activities are far from the preaching of Islam. Government should respond hardly to the serial killing of Mujahidin leaders.

Abdur Rashid Dostum: An un-Islamic and inhuman act
The assassination of Ustad Rabbani is an un-Islamic and inhuman act. They are the brutal enemies of Afghanistan. The terrorists committed a huge crime just one day prior to the World Peace Day.

Ahmad Zia Massoud: A blow to Peace Process
He will remain in our hearts. Ustad Rabbani, Ahmad Shah Massoud, Ustad Mazari and thousands sacrificed their lives for their country and people and thousands ready to follow the same path. With this criminal act, Taliban once again proved their criminal nature. It is a serious blow to the whole peace process. (Outlook/Agencies)