Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Assassinations of Afghan Officials Were Plotted in Pakistan: Karzai Office

Assassinations of Afghan Officials Were Plotted in Pakistan: Karzai Office

KABUL - There is mounting evidence to suggest that the targeted assassinations of prominent Afghans in the past six months were plotted in Pakistan, deputy spokesman for President Karzai, Seyamak Herawi, said on Saturday. "There is evidence with Afghans and with the United States that shows all attacks on Afghan leaders and elders, who have been martyred over the past six months, have been organized by special circles inside Pakistan," Herawi said. "Special individuals are deployed to Afghanistan and our influential [people] and elders are being killed one after another."

Memorial services for former President Rabbani were held across the country on Saturday. A service at the Presidential Palace was attended by high-ranking government officials and international diplomats.

At the service, Sebghatullah Mujadidi, former speaker of the Upper House of Parliament, accused Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency of being behind the death of Burhanuddin Rabbani, Karzai's special envoy who was tasked with brokering peace with the Taliban.

"Only foreigners, Pakistan and ISI are involved in it, nobody else," Mr. Mujadidi said.

"For ten to twelve years I have been saying that the ISI is the cause of all miseries and insecurity in Afghanistan. Nobody accepted it. But now the entire world is saying that."

Professor Rabbani was assassinated at his home in Kabul on Tuesday by a suicide bomber pretending to be an important peace emissary from the Taliban leadership.
The Taliban denied responsibility for the attack.