Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Hundreds Demonstrate Against Hazara Target Killing in Pakistan

Hundreds Demonstrate Against Hazara Target Killing in Pakistan

KABUL – Hundreds of people gathered in Kabul to condemn the target killings of Hazara community in Quetta, Pakistan, a rallywas organized by students, civil society and human rights activists of Kabul.
The rally started from Al-Zahra mosqueand ended on ShahaeedMazariChowk in western Kabul. The participants in the rally were holding banners and play cards condemning the genocide of Hazara community in different incidents of ethno-sectarian killings in Quetta, Pakistan.

The participants were chanting slogans against terrorism and ethnic killings and urging the Pakistani authorities and international humanitarian organizations to take notice of the killings.

At the end of the rally a resolution was read that containedserious denunciation of the ethno-sectarian killings of Hazaras. It read, "The systematic massacre and continuous target killing of Hazaras in Quetta, Pakistan are acts of hateful barbarism and a challenge for human conscience throughout the world.

Over the last couple of years, the Hazaras of Quetta have been targeted without any crime just for being Hazara and Shia. It only depicts the dangerous inhuman intentions of international terrorist network aimed at ethnic cleansing of Hazaras.

We, the demonstrators, ask international community, United Nations, Human Rights Organizations, Pakistani Government and the common people to pay serious attention on the ongoing barbaric ethnic cleansing of Hazaras in Quetta. If the current massacre of the innocent people in Quetta does not stop immediately, the today's civilized world would face a great human tragedy.

Condemning the brutal acts and intentions of the terrorist networks in Pakistan, the resolution demanded the following:
1. The genocide of Hazaras in Quetta should be immediately stopped. All the relevant international organizations, political and social figures and democratic states should immediately intervene in to the matter to cease the ongoing tragedy in Quetta, Pakistan.

2. We demand from the Government of Pakistan to apprehend the culprits of the barbaric acts and punish them exemplary so that such incidents could be prevented in future.

3. We also demand from the peace-loving nations throughout the globe to take serious notice of ongoing massacre of innocent Hazara people in Quetta, Pakistan.

4. So far, no any substantial investigation has been made into the matter by any government or independent organizations. We demand an investigation by United Nations into the killings of innocent Hazaras in Pakistan.

5. We demand from the Government of Afghanistan to take the issue of killing of Hazaras officially at foreign office level with the Government of Pakistan.

6. We highly appreciate the timely reactions of Ms. Rita Borsellino, the Member of EU Parliament from Italy, Ms. Pamela Curr human rights activist from Australia and The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP), Against the killing of innocent Hazaras in Quetta on solid humanitarian ground and demand from all other human loving people in the world to come up and condemn the barbaric acts.

The resolution was sent to UNAMA, Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Foreign Ministry Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Parliament Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and Diplomatic Missions based in Kabul, Afghanistan.

Recently, different protests were carried out for the same cause in different parts of the world. On October 01, 2011 thousand of Hazaras from countries like, Pakistan, America, England, Australia, Italy, Turkey, Greece, Indonesia, Norway, Canada, Neitherlands, Sweden and some others carried out protests to condemn the killings.

The ethno-sectarian killings of Hazaras in Quetta, Pakistan have increased alarmingly for the last few months. Only within duration of one month about 60 innocent people have lost their lives.

However, these killings have been going on for the last one decade or so. Within this period of time over 600 Hazaras have killed and many others injured. Hazaras all over the world believe that the authorities in Pakistan and the international humanitarian organizations have not been able to play decisive roles in this regard.