Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

11 Rebels Dead, 19 Held in Security Operations

11 Rebels Dead, 19 Held in Security Operations

KABUL - Eleven armed insurgents were killed, 19 others arrested and one wounded during joint operations by Afghan and foreign forces in difference provinces, the Ministry of Interior said on Sunday.
Featuring Afghan Nation Police (ANP), Afghan National Army (ANA) and International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) members, the operations were conducted Kunar, Kunduz, Kandahar, Helmand, Zabul, Uruzgan, MaidanWardak, Khost, Logar and Nimroz provinces over the past 24 hours, the ministry said in a statement

Eleven militants were gunned down, 19 others detained and one injured in the operations, the statement explained, adding nine Kalashnikovs, one PK machinegun, a rocket launcher, a pistol, 28 anti-vehicle mines, one walkie-talkie, a vehicle and 79 bags of hashish were also seized during the raids.

Meanwhile, the ANP discovered and defused a roadside bomb placed by rebels in the KandiBagh area of the Chaparhar district in eastern Nangarhar on Saturday, the statement added, explaining the police also freed a high school student, which had been kidnapped by unknown men in Batikot district.

Separately, 12 individuals on charges of making fake passports, robbery, selling low quality ghee, beating residents as well as motorbike lifting on the outskirts of Kabul City, the statement concluded.