Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

ISAF Investigates Rocket Attacks from Pakistan

ISAF Investigates Rocket  Attacks from Pakistan

KABUL - ISAF said on Sunday that it is investigating continued missile attacks from Pakistani soil into Afghanistan, and stressed that talks must occur before any "appropriate action" is taken.
ISAF spokesman General Carsten Jacobson said that the organization is still trying to confirm whether it is the Pakistani army that is firing the rockets.

Referring to the huge presence of militants in border region between Afghanistan and Pakistan, General Jacobson said insurgents should not be allowed to use the area to the detriment of either country.

It is suspected that the Pakistani army has some role in the rocket attacks emanating from its soil. The attacks have continued for several weeks, targeting the border regions in Kunar and Nangarhar provinces.

According to local officials, the attacks have killed dozens of people and displaced hundreds of families.

General Jacobson said: "ISAF is investigating this. The commander of ISAF has been talking to the Pakistan's chief of staff. Just lately this is a matter of concern and we have to look at it."

He highlighted the need for proof and understanding the "real size of these incidents" before taking any action.

Afghanistan shares a long border with Pakistan to the southeast. The porous nature of that border has long been problematic, given that insurgents stationed in Pakistan's lawless tribal areas are easily able to pass into Afghanistan and carry out their brutal attacks against Afghan and international troops.