Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Iran Opposes U.S.-Afghanistan Strategic Agreement

Iran Opposes U.S.-Afghanistan Strategic Agreement

BAKU - Iran is against signing a strategic agreement between the U.S. and Afghanistan, IRNA quoted Iranian Foreign Minister Ali-Akbar Salehi as saying in Istanbul on Wednesday.
Salehi stressed that U.S. and NATO's plans are ill-considered, destructive and incapable to provide security for Afghanistan.

He noted that security in Afghanistan may be provided by establishing cooperation among the regional countries, especially by assistance of neighboring nations.

The expansion of terrorism, drug trafficking, civilians death, and destruction of cities and villages are a result of activities of the NATO troops, including U.S. forces, in Afghanistan, Salehi added.

He said the U.S. seeks to extend its military presence in Afghanistan despite the agreement committing foreign forces to withdraw from Afghanistan in 2014.

Salehi departed today for Turkey to attend Istanbul Conference on peace process in Afghanistan.

The Istanbul Conference focuses on issues relating to Afghan security, recruitment, training and equipment of Afghan security forces, as well as the reconciliation process. The conference will also focus on regional economic cooperation among Asian countries.