Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 17th, 2024

Russia Stresses Security of Afghan Civilians

Russia Stresses Security of  Afghan Civilians

KABUL - Russia has urged the Afghan government to take urgent measures to ensure the security of civilians and step up the fight against terrorists,
"First of all, exterminate bases of the international terrorist organisation Islamic State," the Foreign Ministry in Moscow said on Monday.
The statement came days after a massive bomb explosion in a mosque in the Haska Mena district of eastern Nangarhar province. At least 62 worshippers were killed in the assault.
According to TASS, the ministry vehemently denounced the terror attack and called on the Afghan authorities to take urgent measures to ensure the security of civilians.
"We strongly condemn this crime and extend condolences to families of those killed and wish speedy recovery to those injured," the ministry added.
"No doubt that this terror attack was geared to maintain the atmosphere of fear in Afghan society. Lasting peace in Afghanistan the conflicting parties and the international community have been taking serious efforts towards runs counter to the interests of terrorists who are seeking to use that country as their stronghold." (Pajhwok)