Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Taliban Leaders Lose Control Over Fighters: ISAF

Taliban Leaders Lose Control Over Fighters: ISAF

KABUL - The International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) on Monday said recent militant attacks targeting civilians indicated the Taliban leadership had lost control over its fighters.

ISAF spokesman Commodore Bill Truelove told a press conference in Kabul that the Taliban supreme leader, Mullah Mohammad Omar, had asked his fighters on the occasion of Eidul Adha to take care for civilians during their attacks, but the recent civilian casualties by them showed the fighters defied their leaders.

According to reports, seven people, including policemen, were killed and 17 others wounded in a suicide attack in northern Baghlan province on the first day of the Eid.

Additionally, nine civilians and two policemen were killed a roadside bombing in the Qades district of northwestern Badghis province.

Mullah Omar has asked the fighters to protect life and property of civilians and avoid harming them during their operations. The Taliban leader said the armed fighters would be punished in line with Shariah laws if found guilty.
There has been no word from the Taliban on ISAF remarks so far. Many civilians have also been killed by ISAF over the past ten years.