Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

3,000 Tons of Gas Hoarded at Hairatan Port: Ahadi

3,000 Tons of Gas Hoarded at Hairatan Port: Ahadi

KABUL - Following reports of gas hoarding by traders, the government has sent a delegation to the Hairatan to resolve the problem as soon as possible, the minister of commerce and industries said on Monday. Last week, the ministry fixed at 55 Afghanis ($1.34) the price of one kilogram of gas, but the rate hovers between 80 and 100afs in the capital city. The price was fixed in consultation with representatives of traders.

Speaking in the Wolesi Jirga, lower house of Parliament, Commerce Minister Anwar-ul-Haq Ahadi, who was summoned to explain the matter, said traders had hoarded 3,000 tons of gas at the port and they were not willing to bring it to Kabul.

"Under a Cabinet decision, we are authorized to sell the gas of hoarders," he said, adding the commodity stored would be brought to Kabul over next few days to lower the price. The minister promised the price would be reduced to 55 Afghanis per kilogram.

Samiullah Samim, an MP from Farah province, criticized the government policy regarding price control and accused the authorities of failing to evolve a proper mechanism over the last 10 years.

Although authorized by the Cabinet to take price-control measures four months ago, the government had been unable to achieve the goal, the minister acknowledged.

Finance Minister Dr. Omar Zakhilwal and Minister of Economy Abdul Hadi Arghandiwal were also summoned to the house but they sent their deputies.

Speaker Abdur Rauf Ibrahimi said the two ministers could not attend the session because of a Cabinet meeting. But MPs said they did not accept answers from the deputy ministers. It was decided after long discussions that the ministers would attend an extraordinary session of the house on Tuesday.