Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

President forces water and power minister to quit

President forces water and power minister to quit

KABUL: President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani has forced the water and energy minister, Mohammad Gul Khilmi, to resign, a source at the Chief Executive’s office has said.
According to the well-placed sources, though the interim minister has cited personal reasons for his resignation, but actual reason behind it is the mounting pressure from the President. The source said President Ghani is slowly and gradually sidelining all the ministers appointed by his power-sharing CE Abdullah Abdullah.
It said the alleged fuming attitude by President and sidelining of these ministers would further complicate the situation.
Salam Watandar wished to have the views of the presidency in connection with these allegations, but repeated calls were not answered.
Khilmi had been serving as interim minister for water and power for the past three years. Prior to him, former minister Ali Ahmad Osmani was also dismissed by President Ghani. (salamwatandar)